Agnelle Gloves ManufactureLimousin, (87) AgrivapThe museum of agricultural machinery and steam engineAuvergne, (63) Airbus - Saint-NazairePays de la Loire, (44) Alsace and the Mecanical IndustryAlsace, Atlantic Port, Nantes - Saint-NazairePays de la Loire, (44) Bernardeau ManufactureLimousin, (87) Cap SciencesAquitaine, (33) Casseaux Oven MuseumLimousin, (87) CCSTI of LavalSciences Museum of LavalPays de la Loire, (53) CCSTI of LorientThe House of the SeaBretagne, (56) Chocolate MuseumBovetti Chocolate FactoryAquitaine, (24) City of the TannersPoitou-Charentes, (86) Computer MuseumIle de France, (92) Denoix DistilleryLimousin, (19) Departemental Ceramics MuseumAuvergne, (63) EcoMuseum of Saint-NazairePays de la Loire, (44) European Gallery of Forests and WoodBourgogne, (71) Glove Cooperative of Saint-JunienLimousin, (87) House of Forest & WoodBourgogne, (71) La Ruche des PuysThe Bee and its ecosystemAuvergne, (63) Lemptegy VolcanoAuvergne, (63) Lepine Oil MillPoitou-Charentes, (86) Living Museum of Apiculture GatinaisCentre, (45) Michelin AdventureAuvergne, (63) Mining MuseumProvence Alpes Côte d'Azur, (13) Mulhouse & the Textile IndustryAlsace, (68) Museum of Art & Archaeology of AurillacAuvergne, (15) Museum of Cutlery of ThiersAnd the Valley of spinning wheelsAuvergne, (63) Museum of the Bressan TerroirAnd Museum of the poultryBourgogne, (71) Museum of the Champagnac MineAuvergne, (15) Museum of the Epic and IndustryPicardie, (80) Museum of the GingerbreadMuseum of the Gingerbread and Sweets of YesteryearAlsace, (67) Museum of the glass and its jobsCentre, (45) Museum of the Gueules RougesMuseuym of the Red MouthsProvence Alpes Côte d'Azur, (83) Museum of the IronAlsace, (67) Museum of the Leather and ParchmentCentre, (36) Museum of the MarbleMidi-Pyrénées, (65) Museum of the Radio (TSF)Radio ArdennesChampagne-Ardenne, (08) Museum of the Silver MinesProvence Alpes Côte d'Azur, (05) Museum of the Textile PrintingAlsace, (68) Museum of the Vosgian TextileAlsace, (88) National Maritime Museum, BrestBretagne, (29) National Maritime Museum, RochefortPoitou-Charentes, (17) National Maritime Museum, ToulonProvence Alpes Côte d'Azur, (83) NausicaaNational Center of the SeaNord-Pas-De-Calais, (62) NaviscopeMusee Regional du Rhin et de la NavigationAlsace, (67) Nuclear Plant of CivauxPoitou-Charentes, (86) Oceanographic Museum of MonacoMonaco, (98) Odyssaum of Pont-ScorffSpace discovery of the wild salmonBretagne, (56) Oil Mill of NeuvillePoitou-Charentes, (86) Oil mill of the RochesPoitou-Charentes, (86) Patek Philippe MuseumSuisse, Printing Museum of LouhansBourgogne, (71) RungisIle de France, (94) Saint-NazairePays de la Loire, (44) Santon MuseumProvence Alpes Côte d'Azur, (83) Seafish MuseumBretagne, (29) Silk SecretsBretagne, (35) The Cave of the Stone HouseAuvergne, (63) The House of Bread of AlsaceAlsace, (67) The House of the AgricultureBourgogne, (71) The House of the Industrial AdventureFactory of the MayAuvergne, (63) The Martin de Candre Homemade Soap FactoryPays de la Loire, (49) The Metal SpaceCentre, (18) The Shipyards of the AtlanticPays de la Loire, (44) The Silk WorkshopRhône-Alpes, (69) Tisserie of BranderionDiscovery of the WeavingBretagne, (56) Wool Spinning Museum of CalquieresLanguedoc-Roussillon, (48)