Museum of the Image Mine


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The museum of the mine is a real work area presenting 250 meters of mining gallery.
You will visit it wearing the helmet of mine.
Lump of Aveillans is the birthplace of the anthracite mines of La Mure, recently closed in 1997.
Operated from the Middle Ages and in the 16th century, the development of the region actually increased at the beginning of the 19th century.
Galleries of the Image mine have been closed in 1956.
The tour includes:
- The underground route,
- Exhibitions of drawings and pictures,
- A movie (25 minutes),
- A showroom with objects explaining the social world of the mine, the lamp room, the 'hanging room'.

Route des quatre galeries, 38770 La Motte d'Aveillans

From Grenoble, take the N75 then the N85 direction to Saint-Georges of Commiers

The mine is locatede at 35 km at the South of Grenoble near the Napoleon road, and at 8 km of la Mure.

N 44°57'43'', E 05°44'45''

Click here to see the route (on a new tab)

Plan one to two hours to have an interesting view of the mine.

The schedule of opening of the mine is accessible by clicking here.

Disclaimer : The management team of the destination has the possibility to change the opening days and hours without prior communication.

Note that because of a later land slide, the train is out of service (dated comment: December the 28th, 2011).

The site owns a picnic area.
The temperature in galleries is around 13°C so prepare warm clothes.
The mine is open for groups (by appointment) throughout the year.

The mine is kept in good conservatory state thanks to the association for the preservation and enhancement of the Mottois heritage.

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