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The Rance tidal power plant uses the energy of the tides of the Channel to generate electricity. Its construction lasted three years and ended on November the 26th, 1966, when it was inaugurated by the French President Charles de Gaulle. It was then connected to the EDF network on December the 4th, 1967.
The tidal power plant is the main source of electricity in the Britany region and supplies 240 megawatts. To work, the factory needs to have a difference in water depth of 10-15 meters, naturally generated by the tides.

Usine maremotrice de la Rance 35400 Saint-Malo
The Rance tidal power plant is located near Saint-Malo.
From the old town of Saint-Malo, take direction of Dinan to reach the Rance tidal power plant. Note : An automatic radar is located in the valley of the Rance: watch your speed if you come by car or by motorbike.
Saint-Malo: N 48°38'53'', O 02°00'27''
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The important renovation works done at the Rance tidal power plant have been finished during the Summer 2011. It is now open back to the visits, all the year long, from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00. It is also possible to walk the bridge that does the plant over the mouth of the Rance. The crossing is about 500 meters long. Plan 30 minutes to an hour if you decide to browse it and to enjoy the scenery that awaits you.
Disclaimer : The management team of the destination has the possibility to change the opening days and hours without prior communication.

The lock on the west side of the dam allows the passage of vessels. 18,000 crossings were recorded in 2008. |