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Located in the birthplace of Theophraste Renaudot, the museum is open since 1981. Its purpose is to perpetuate the memory of Renaudot, illustrious man who has created modern institutions such as the pawnshops named 'Les Monts de Piete', the Classified Ads, the Employment Agency or again the Public Assistance.
You will see: - Dr. Renaudot at his desk, - Many old medicine documents, - Renaudot's diplomas, from the University of Montpellier, - The laboratory provides an overview of the preparation of Polychreston, - A reconstruction of the workshop was located rue de la Calandre in Paris, where the Gazette has been published for the first time in 1631, - The number 1 of the Gazette, - Various newspapers published abroad under the title 'The Gazette'

2 Petite rue du Jeu de Paume, 86200 Loudun
Loudon is located at the south of Chinon (Chinon, take the D759). Details on the different possible access to Loudun are given in the page accessible by clicking here.
N 47°00'38'', E 00°05'04''
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The museum is open all the year from Tuesday to Sunday from 14:30 to 17:30.
Disclaimer : The management team of the destination has the possibility to change the opening days and hours without prior communication.

Physician of King Louis XIII, Theophraste Renaudot is best known as the creator of the French press. He is a doctor on July the 12th, 1606 at nineteen years old and becomes usual doctor of the King in 1612. In 1618, he is General Commissioner for the poors of the kingdom and creates a pawnshop, equivalent to the 'Mont de Piete.', known today un der the nickname 'My Aunt'. In 1619, he publishes the 'Description of a medicine called Polychreston', the first one so created. In 1620 he also publishes a 'Discourse about the skeleton, that is to say on the bones of man.' In 1628, at the service of Cardinal Richelieu, from Protestant he converts himself to Catholicism. Protected by Richelieu, granted with a patent which gives him the right to print, he creates on May the 31st, 1631 La Gazette, which becomes an official tool of propaganda and information.